Sunday, February 28, 2010


We are meeting in Shima 150 (Photo)
Bring your camera and grey card (if you have one)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey there,
On Wednesday we will do a short color assignment
SO bring in some photos preferably Portraits.
In the style of Andy Warhol...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some things for monday...

Hey there
A reminder to take some pictures shooting in RAW.
Try bracketing over and under exposing 2 stops in each direction.

if you want to convert files at home to DNG here is the link

Friday, February 19, 2010

#2 Most Miserable City

Stockton #2 Most Miserable City...according to Forbes Magazine
check out the video...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Print Shop

Hi All,
I dropped off the first round of files with the print shop-
They loved your images!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


more info on camera RAW Adobe style...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Zine meeting

zine meeting!!!!

In Photography Sima 150
Thursday Feb 11 at 1pm

not sure what a zine is? from wikipedia
A zine (an abbreviation of the word fanzine, or magazine; pronounced /ˈziːn/ "zeen") is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images. More broadly, the term encompasses any self-published work of minority interest usually reproduced via photocopier on a variety of colored paper stock.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

some things to try monday morning


1) Use the Space Bar to bring up that hand tool to move the image around on the canvas.

2) Use the Control and Space Bar to quickly go from:

  • Fit on Screen
  • Actual Pixels
  • Print Size.

3) The Comm and "+" and "-" keys zoom in and out.

4) The Shift key adds and constrains selections, the Option key subtracts

5) Use the Zoom Tool to magnify edges for precise guide placement.

6) Use Command + S to frequently save after important edits

7) Learn as many keyboard commands as you can stand. Especially:

· Comm + C = Copy

· Comm + X = Cut

· Comm + V = Paste

· Comm + A = Select All

· Comm + D = Deselect

· Comm + S = Save

· Comm + S + V = Save As

· S = Clone Tool

· J = Healing Brush

· Z = Undo

· Use the Bracket keys ( [ and ] ) to decrease and increase your brush size.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

photo contest...ENTER...

Fire your camera remotely, as Patrick Cavan Brown (p. 36 of the March Issue of Popular Photography) and Chet Gordon (p. 42) did. No remote trigger? Use your camera¹s self-timer.