Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Remember to bring your BLURB book to show off at Mediafest. The prints should be ready by 9am tomorrow so we'll walk over to UPPER Danner to check out the space.

ALSO might be of interest to some of you

Free Webinar

Two sessions are available:
Wednesday, May 26th

Session One - 1PM Eastern Time
(12PM Central, 11AM Mountain, 10AM Pacific)
Click here to register for the 1PM session:

Session Two - 3PM Eastern Time
(2PM Central, 1PM Mountain, 12PM Pacific)
Click here to register for the 3PM session:

Want to make sure the color in your Blurb book rocks? Need the nitty gritty on color management for your Photography Book Now submission? Let us help.

Sign up for our Color Management Webinar led by the color wizards from X-Rite and our very own Blurb gurus, this webinar covers:

• Monitor calibration and profiling
• Color spaces and conversions
• Soft proofing in Adobe® Photoshop®
• Prepping files for Blurb books

Rest assured, whether you’re using Photoshop and Blurb BookSmart®, or Adobe® InDesign® and our PDF to Book workflow, we’ll go over the fine points of file preparation so that the color in your books is right on. Join us and take your books to the next level. This webinar promises to be a great one and we hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


We will be reviewing the photos we took on Wednesday and putting together a big print/collage for Mediafest. Also, bring a series of 4-5 images so I can drop them off at the printshop Monday afternoon. curious about mediafest? check out the link http://www.deltacollegeradio.com/MFSchedule.html

Monday, May 10, 2010



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is photography Dead?


Interesting article reviewing a symposium about photography...


Bring in your textbook on Monday
and your camera...
see ya at 8AM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hey there,

It was noticed that our class is breaking the Microscopy rules.
They will make students leave! So make sure you are wearing long pants and shoes.
No more shorts and flip flops!

-The Management

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Joey contacted UOP and
"i was informed that we can park in the lot adjacent to the art gallery
tomorrow if someone early will just inform a security officer so they
can clarify details. i'll try to be early and take care of that. at
this point it is ok c/o jackie from the uop security office
cya later!"

I'll be there a little early and see make sure all is well.
there also should be quite a bit of street parking at 9AM

Monday, April 26, 2010



STEP OUT/STEP IN : Class of 2010 Senior Exhibition

The Department of Visual Arts and the Reynolds Gallery present STEP OUT/STEP IN, an exhibition of art and design work by the senior class of 2010. STEP OUT/STEP IN features graphic design and studio art students:

Directions to the Reynolds Gallery:
a. Go south on Pacific Avenue to Alpine Avenue and turn right (West).
b. Follow Alpine Ave to Kensington Street and turn left (South).
c. Follow Kensington Avenue for a short distance and merge to the right (west again) on to Mendocino Ave.
d. The Reynold's Gallery is located mid-block along Mendocino Avenue. The gallery is located in the Jeannette Powell Art Center, 1071 Mendocino Ave.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Class on Wednesday

Please come to class prepared to work on your books.
Also, if you were missing prints from the print shop please bring the files so I can have them reprinted if possible stop by my office today (Tuesday) so I can drop them off this afternoon!

The fisheye tin cam

check it out


Thursday, April 8, 2010


OK If you feel like meeting up at this lecture I will be there. Try to get there early to make sure you get parking and tickets!

April 16, 2010
7:30 pm
San Francisco Art Institute Lecture Hall
800 Chestnut Street San Francisco, Ca (at Jones Street)
Ticket Information:
$10.00 general admission $5.00 students with ID--- TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR

Shelby Lee Adams
About Shelby Lee Adams:
Shelby Lee Adam...excerpts from his artist statement

My work has been an artist search for a deeper understanding of my heritage and myself, using photography as a medium and the Appalachian people as collaborators with their own desires to communicate. I hope, too, that viewers will see in these photographs something of the abiding strength and resourcefulness and dignity of the mountain people...

I love these people, perhaps that is it, plain and simple. I respond to the sensual beauty of a hardened face with many scars, the deeply etched lines and flickers of sweat containing bright spots of sunlight...

My greatest fear as a photographer is to look into the eyes of my subject and not see my own reflection.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Book Project
Create a 10 page (at least) double-sided page book. You will come up with one theme and explore it thoroughly and thoughtfully. You will work on sequencing, sizing, and content. You will utilize your color correction skills. Feel free to scan images (i.e. Polaroid’s, found images etc) to include. All digital images must be shot in RAW-you should shoot extensively for the project and depending on what your project is-400 images would not be unreasonable.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A reminder that you have a quiz on Wednesday!
Study Guide
Quiz review (feel free to bring your camera to the quiz)


How do you convert RGB files to Black and White
Color Correction


RGB1998 and sRGB
LAYERS (adjustment)
GREY CARD/Light meter
What are the Advantages of a DNG file.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


You need 5 final DIPTYCHS (total of 10 images)
They should be ready to print by the end of class on Monday (after Spring Break).
Remember to try out some complimentary colors

Final Output size is up to you. You will be sending a set of images to Adorama and to the SJDC print shop.
the largest the print shop can go is 11x14@300dpi
but Adorama can go much bigger.

Also, I will be looking and grading the blog over the break so make sure it is completely updated.
Have a good break!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


OK I was thinking on my drive home yesterday that next Wednesday is maybe a little soon for Diptych to be due. I want you all to use the break to finish shooting this assignment...I do want at least 100 or 3 rolls ;) shots done by the 24th!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

DIPTYCH : People, Places, Things

DIPTYCH : People, Places, Things

For this assignment you will create 5 diptychs. Use your 350 shots to photograph PEOPLE, PLACES, and THINGS—you should shoot at least three and a half "virtual" rolls for each topic. Pay attention to quality of light—try shooting in the early evening, in the fog, in various kinds of artificial light, at night with long shutter speeds, etc. Remember to make INTERESTING IMAGES that will work well in pairs.

Your first 40 shots should be 400 ISO or less and should be shot between the hours of 10am and 2pm outside on a bright day.

40 must be slower than 400 ISO
40 must be 400 ISO
40 must be 800 ISO or above (Assuming your camera lets you shoot @ 800+)
The rest of the shots are your choice.

Over the next few class you will be bringing in Raw images to work on using Adobe Raw. The images will be placed next to each other in diptychs. Examples will be shown in class. You will be outputting in the Print Center and Adorama.

Prints must be sent to Print Shop and Adorama: March 24th

Project due : 8AM April 5th NO EXCEPTIONS!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Shelby Lee Adams

April 16, 2010
7:30 pm
San Francisco Art Institute Lecture Hall 800 Chestnut Street San Francisco, Ca (at Jones Street)
Ticket Information:
$10.00 general admission $5.00 students with ID--- TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cost of a busines

Any of you thinking about starting a business here's an interesting calculator.



Monday, March 8, 2010

Wednesday's Class

We will meet in Shima 150
to watch

The True Meaning of Pictures

A film about Shelby Lee Adams known for his environmental portraits of people living in Appalachia.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scanning Tips

Scanning Tips thanks to Chris Johnson

1) Before you begin, be sure you have a very clear idea of the final physical size of the print you are planning to make.

2) Always scan at the highest possible bit depth to facilitate digital editing.

3) Use the scanner’s controls to capture as much visual information as possible from your source.

4) Whenever possible use a dedicated film scanner like the Imacon for 35mm scans.

5) Whenever possible scan using the ideal resolution and color space for the medium of your choice. (See below)

6) Scan black and white negatives in RGB Mode and then convert then in Photoshop use: Image > Mode > Grayscale to convert them to black and white files.

7) Always clean your source materials fanatically.

There are four factors that determine the ideal file size of your print:

1) The physical dimensions of the print you plan to make.

2) Resolution- The number of pixels per inch

3) The number of channels –Grayscale (1 channel), RGB (3 channels)

4) Bit depth- The number of colors each pixel can be.

The Adobe Photoshop New dialog box gives you a simple way to approximate the ideal file size for a given digital print.

Depending on the scanning software you are using, there are two ways to achieve the ideal file size for your final print.

1) You can either enter these values as settings and begin your scan.

2) With dedicated film scanners you should scan transparencies at the optical resolution of the scanner with the crop size at 100%, and then, if necessasry, re-compute the file size using Photoshop’s Image Size box.

Remember to try avoid having to increase the file size when you re-compute.

With some flatbed scanning software you should set the output size to the final size of your print and the resolution to whatever setting results in the ideal file size that you determined with the Photoshop New Box.

Ideal Resolutions and Color Spaces

For ink jet prints: 300 dpi – Adobe RGB 1998

Sunday, February 28, 2010


We are meeting in Shima 150 (Photo)
Bring your camera and grey card (if you have one)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey there,
On Wednesday we will do a short color assignment
SO bring in some photos preferably Portraits.
In the style of Andy Warhol...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some things for monday...

Hey there
A reminder to take some pictures shooting in RAW.
Try bracketing over and under exposing 2 stops in each direction.

if you want to convert files at home to DNG here is the link


Friday, February 19, 2010

#2 Most Miserable City

Stockton #2 Most Miserable City...according to Forbes Magazine
check out the video...


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Print Shop

Hi All,
I dropped off the first round of files with the print shop-
They loved your images!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010



more info on camera RAW Adobe style...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Zine meeting

zine meeting!!!!

In Photography Sima 150
Thursday Feb 11 at 1pm

not sure what a zine is? from wikipedia
A zine (an abbreviation of the word fanzine, or magazine; pronounced /ˈziːn/ "zeen") is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images. More broadly, the term encompasses any self-published work of minority interest usually reproduced via photocopier on a variety of colored paper stock.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

some things to try monday morning


1) Use the Space Bar to bring up that hand tool to move the image around on the canvas.

2) Use the Control and Space Bar to quickly go from:

  • Fit on Screen
  • Actual Pixels
  • Print Size.

3) The Comm and "+" and "-" keys zoom in and out.

4) The Shift key adds and constrains selections, the Option key subtracts

5) Use the Zoom Tool to magnify edges for precise guide placement.

6) Use Command + S to frequently save after important edits

7) Learn as many keyboard commands as you can stand. Especially:

· Comm + C = Copy

· Comm + X = Cut

· Comm + V = Paste

· Comm + A = Select All

· Comm + D = Deselect

· Comm + S = Save

· Comm + S + V = Save As

· S = Clone Tool

· J = Healing Brush

· Z = Undo

· Use the Bracket keys ( [ and ] ) to decrease and increase your brush size.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

photo contest...ENTER...

Fire your camera remotely, as Patrick Cavan Brown (p. 36 of the March Issue of Popular Photography) and Chet Gordon (p. 42) did. No remote trigger? Use your camera¹s self-timer.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hockney Assignment

David Hockney 'Anything simple always interests me.'

Hockney Interior/Exterior/Portrait

Take multiple pictures of three different scenes using the visual language that David Hockney is famous for. Take one interior set of images, one landscape and a portrait. Use the fact that digital imagery easy and cheap to produce and take as many pictures as you want. We will spend the next two full classes opening, sizing, and setting up the collage in Photoshop and prepping it to print.

Shooting Done : 2/3/10

Collages Done : 2/17/10


FIELD TRIP you will write a review of the show on your blog...

Monday meet at 9am at UOP
click here for details
The Gallery is located mid-block along Mendocino Avenue on the UoP Campus

Daniel Kasser: Western Technosites

"Western Technosites" features 25 photographic prints from a series Visual Arts Professor Daniel Kasser will soon publish as a book, as well as a new installation piece titled "The Law of the Spade." The subject of the Western Technosite series is the Western landscape whose appearance, culture, and mythology has been routinely re-shaped by the introduction of large-scale technologies. The development of the American West has produced large tracts of industrial and post-industrial terrain generally looked upon as banal, depreciated, and polluted. But, for Kasser, many of these sites are layered with artifacts and stories of American's optimism, symbols of our progress and the evidence of our efforts to "reclaim" wilderness in pursuit of individual and national comfort and wealth.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Slide Show

this is my new slide show

"Edible Schoolyard"

more info here

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1st DAY

100 pictures
in 24 hours
This assignment is an opportunity for you to photograph and experiment with your digital camera. First set your camera to Jpeg small. Take 100 pictures switching between the automatic and manual settings on your camera in a 24 hour period do not delete any of your photographs. Try changing the ISO. Try taking pictures at night. Make sure that some of the images are taken without your flash. While doing all this try to make interesting images that create a story. Next class we will edit these images down to 25 images and sequence them into a slide show using Powerpoint. You will need to bring some of your favorite music on cd to accompany your slide show.